Flavour Art Tobacco Vape Flavors
Those looking for unique tobacco e-juice flavors will certainly appreciate the quality and economy of Flavour Art liquid tobacco available here. These are water-soluble, PG-based flavor concentrates that must be diluted with e-juice before using. Standard mixing percentages are 1 to 3 percent, depending on your taste. This mixture can be used as a stand-alone vaping mixture, but it's recommended that you work your way up slowly to the stronger percentages. This tobacco-flavored vape liquid concentrate can also be added along with other concentrates to create your own DIY recipe. The mixing ratio when adding to other flavors is also 1 to 3 percent.
You'll be amazed at the realistic aromas and tastes generated by these high-quality Flavour Art tobacco vape flavors. You've got plenty of different tobacco flavors from which to choose, and many have client reviews you can read before buying to find out what others have experienced. Choose from European Tuscan Reserve Flavor, American Virginia Flavor or the strong, powerful Perique Black Flavor from St. James Parish, Louisiana. Place your order today!